
The power of the mind is your power. Use it. Don’t let it use you.
– Terri Guillemet

The mind functions within the brain. The brain is designed like an extraordinarily complex computer that is wired to support all body functions. It’s quite a mysteriously designed piece of hardware that science has yet to duplicate.  I’ll describe the brain as being the hardware with the mind being the operating system that conveys the messages to be interpreted through the use of the senses (seeing, smelling, tasting, hearing, touching). It’s then fair to say that the mind is the governing body for all experiences, whether the experience exists in the conscious or unconscious state. The information that is stored in our mind is learned from environmental exposure, genetic predispositions, nature, academia, and through nurturing. All of these factors ultimately determine our success or failures throughout our lifespan.

Because the brain is the seat of emotion and intellect, in order for the mind to function, the brain (hardware) must be nourished so that those impulses can be generated effectively. If the brain deteriorates, the mind will reflect the same level of deterioration. When the brain dies the mind also dies.

If you are able to manage the physical body effectively, you are more likely to have time to exert effort to improve your emotional and intellectual status. As researcher Abraham Maslow suggested, we must first meet the basic requirements for food, shelter, water, sex, air, and clothing before pursuing needs associated with emotional health

mind   mind   soul   benji