
It is confidence in our bodies, minds and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures,
new directions to grow in, and new lessons to learn – which is what life is all about.
— Oprah Winfrey


The human body is the most extraordinary creation. Even more astonishing is that it’s made up of approximately 70% of water and four key elements—hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen. In order for it to function effectively, along with these elements the body must be nourished with food that is rich in vitamins, iron, protein, carbohydrates, and fat. If all of these elements are not present to support the balanced sustenance of life, over time, serious malfunction occurs. If medical intervention or a change in the way the body is treated is not taken to correct such imbalances, numerous types of illnesses can result that could possibly lead to death.

The first step in achieving the goal of body care is to make a conscious choice to take ownership of your body, because you alone are responsible for taking care of this great structure. Once ownership is acknowledged, its care should include nutrition, exercise, dental health, compliance with medical care, and protection from over exposure from the sun. In addition, we need to make daily lifestyle choices that will sustain general body functions.


The body needs nutrients for the sustenance of life. We are well aware that there are countless numbers of foods in the marketplace that have no nutritional value. We cannot become complacent; we must make every effort to find the foods that will provide the nourishment that the body needs to keep us healthy. A lifetime of nutritious eating means focusing on consuming healthy foods every day that will prevent deficiencies of vitamins, iron, and other minerals. It means eating foods that are low in carbohydrates and fat. It means eating foods that will aid in supplying the brain with nutrients that will provide us with clarity of thought. It means enjoying healthy beverages. It means making sure that when we indulge ourselves, we do so only in moderation.


The relationship of exercise to the body is as crucial as breathing is to life. Exercise provides much needed support for the muscles, glands, cells, skeletal framework, and organs, and helps the respiratory system to function healthily. The body depends on exercise to strengthen the heart and bones, and for the rejuvenation of cells. The increase of oxygenated blood that is enhanced by exercise serves to nourish, promote growth, and enrich the mind. Without an exercise regimen the body experiences a slow decline that will ultimately cause shortening of the lifespan.

Whenever we hear about healthy eating, we also hear about the importance of exercise. It’s true that the two concepts go hand in hand to achieve the most effective and comprehensive results. Just like healthy eating, exercising every day is a lifestyle choice that requires commitment, focus, and motivation. It’s necessary to keep our calories in check even as we exercise. Most research suggests that adults should exercise at least thirty minutes per day, whereas children should exercise about sixty minutes each day. Some basic exercise ideas that can help you make smart choices about what to do and what not to do are:

  1. Exercise should be fun, age-specific, and tailored to the individual’s fitness level and ability.
  2. Exercise should involve large muscle groups to increase energy expenditure.
  3. Exercise should increase in frequency, intensity, and duration with time.
  4. You should restrict sedentary behaviors (for example, television viewing, video games, and Internet surfing).

Sleep and Rest

Sleep is a state of unconsciousness during which the mind and body slow down and are rejuvenated. It’s a true escape from worry, anxiety, pain, and the responsibilities of life that haunt us during waking hours. Even the most controlling individual cannot escape this process unless the gift of sleep is taken from him. In the words of Miguel de Cervantes, “Now, blessings light on him that first invented sleep! It covers a man all over, thoughts and all like a cloak; it’s meat for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, heat for the cold, and cold for the hot. It’s the current coin that purchases all the pleasures of the world cheap, and the balance that sets the king and the shepherd, the fool and the wise man, even.”

Good sleep slows down the aging process and contributes to overall happiness. Lack of sleep will result in the deterioration of the mind, body and nerves. Some individuals do not need as much sleep as others, but everyone needs sleep.

Dental Care

Good dental hygiene is critical to the overall health of the body. Not only can it provide clues to certain body illnesses such as diabetes, oral cancer, pancreatic cancer, leukemia, and kidney disease, but it can also prevent the onset of diseases such as gingivitis, swollen gums, and low birth weight in babies. It’s therefore essential to consider dental care as part of the overall process of taking care of your body. As noted previously, daily dental care can prevent significant problems, and regular visits to the dentist can ensure that your mouth is healthy. It’s extremely important to brush your teeth at least twice per day. Daily flossing and a rinse with a good mouthwash should become a part of your daily routine.

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